P.B. Kanna Kumar

Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D./1995,Delhi University, Karnatic Music ( Vocal)
- M.Phil / 1889 Department of Music, University of Delhi (Vocal)
- M.A/1987,Faculty of Music , Delhi University, Karnatic Music (Vocal)
- B.A/1983,Andhra University
Career Profile
- Teaching in the Department of Music in Karnatic Music – Vocal since 1994 to till date(1994 to 2000 as adhoc Lecturer),as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, University of Delhi.
- More than 9 years as Professor in Faculty of Music, University of Delhi and still working as Professor in the same Department.
Areas Of Specialization / Interest
Ragam-Tanam-Pallavi singing and Teaching Manodharma aspects like Raga Alapana, Effective Niraval with sahitya Bhava and easy to intricate swarakalpana singing in different talas.
Tuning and singing the Annamacharya and Bhadrachala Ramdasa Keertanas with correct shaitya bhava.
Subjects Taught
Sangeeta Shiromani –Karnatic Music Practical and Theory
B.A. (Hons.) Karnatic Music Practical and Theory
M.A.- Karnatic Music Practical and Theory
M.Phil – Karnatic Music Practical and Theory, Eight students Dissertation works undertaken
Ph.D – Guided 4 students for their Ph.D thesis work.
Conference Participation/Presentations
- Participated in a two day UGC National Seminar on “Indian Classical Music: Tradition and Experimentation” on March 17th and 18th 2005; conducted by the Department of Music, University of Delhi.
- Attended a three day workshop on “Karnatic Music Course for Secondary Level” organized by National Institute of Open Schooling(NIOS), New Delhi held in Mysore from 13th to 15th March, 2008.
- Delivered around 30 Lecture Demonstrations on Karnatic Music Evolution and History and Karnatic Music Compositional Forms at the Orientation Training Programme organized by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT) in Delhi and Udaipur during 2003 - till today.
- Prepared lesson on “Sabha Gana” in Carnatic Music for Secondary level , National Institute of Open Schooling (M.H.R.D, GOI) and given C.D. recording of few concert items.
- Participated in a two day International Seminar which was in collaboration with Indian Council for Cultural Relations (I.C.C.R.) organized by Department of Music, D.U.on the subject titled –“The Global Impact of Modern Trends on Traditional Music” on 19-20 March 2015
Awards And Distinctions
Awarded National Scholarship to Young Talent Artists from the Department of Culture, Ministry of Human Resources and Development in the year 1987 to 1989.
Awarded U.G.C. Research Fellowship from 1990 to 1995.
Awarded the title of “Delhi Yuva Kalakar” by 50 year old reputed organization of Delhi, Sree Shanmukhananda Sangeeta Sabha(Regd.) in the field of vocal Karnatic music in the year 2008.
Awarded the title of “Madhura Gayaka” by Sangeeta Samajam (Regd.) KRJ Music School Madurai and New Delhi in the year 2008.
Awarded the title of “Isai Gnana Sudaroli” by Apoorva Ragam (Regd.) organization, Chennai in Dec. 2011.
Awarded the title of “ Sangeeta Kovidha” for his outstanding presentation of karnatic classical music in concerts by Gayatri Fine Arts(Regd.) Rohini, Delhi, 2014
- Awarded the title of “Sangeetha Seva Ratna” for the contribution Towards Cause & Promotion of Music by Sri Hayagriva and Lok Kala Manch (Regd.) Delhi, in Feb. 2017.
- Awarded the title of “Sangeetha Ratnakara” contribution towards cause and promotion of Karnatak music on 172th Saint Tyagaraja Aradhana on 24-3-2019 by 60 year old reputed organization of Delhi/Shimla(Regd.). in March 2019.
- Awarded the “ Best Teacher” in Karnatic Music - Vocal on Teacher’s Day Celebrations, 5th September 2019 by oldest organization of Delhi, Telugu Employees Welfare Association Delhi (Regd.) (TEWA). In 2019.
- Awarded C.R.Vaidyanathan Memorial Award for the best Carnatic Vocalist for the year 2020 in recognition of contribution towards Carnatic Music by Ganesha Natyalaya, Delhi (Regd.) in aociation with Gayatri Fine Arts, Rohini, Delhi, (Regd.). in March 2020.
Association With Professional Bodies
- Member of the Regional Selection Committee to recommend the candidates for award of Scholarships under Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme of Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (Under the aegis of Ministry of Culture, Government of India) for the years 2006, 2007, 2008.
- More than 9 years as Professor in Faculty of Music, University of Delhi and still working as Professor.
- Expert committee Member and Music Subject advisory member in UGC.
- Expert committee Member for Board of Research Studies and Interview Selection Board Member for Music subject in other Universities like Uttarakhand University , Coimbatore University, Kerala University and Andhra University.
- Member of the Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, under the provisions of statue 9(3) (IV),” Lecturer’s Category” for a term of 3 years, i.e.13-9-2004 to 12-9-2007.(Courses Committee).
- Expert Member on the Interview Board for selection of Music Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (2008)., 2017.
- Expert Member of the Curriculum Committee for Secondary level in Carnatic Music, in National Institute of Open Schooling (Ministry of Human Resource Develeopment , Government of India), NOIDA.
- Member of the committee involved in the development of “Teacher’s Handbook in Music for Upper Primary Stage”of school education, by NCERT, Department of Education in Arts and Aesthetics.
- Member of the committee of courses for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th standard Vocal, Melodic Instruments and Percussion Instruments (CBSE Delhi) ) for preparing Karnatic music syllabus, since 2010 to till date
- Expert Member on the Interview Board for selection of Music Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan ( 2018.)
Other Activities
- Apart from teaching music and guiding M.phil and Ph.D students, giving Karnatic Classical Vocal Performances regularly in AIR and Doordarshan, Delhi, Sangeet Natak Academy, Delhi, and in other major music festivals in India and abroad for the past 20 years.. .