Rajeev Verma

27667608, 9810156599
Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D. (Music), Rajasthan University, Jaipur, 1991
- M.A. (Music), Ajmer University, Ajmer, 1988
- B.A. (Music), Rajasthan University, Jaipur, 1986
Career Profile
Delhi University, 2009 - Till Date
Associate Professor
Delhi University, 2006 - 2008
Reader (Music)
Delhi University, 2000 - 2005
Lecturer (Music)
Delhi University, 1992 - 2000
Areas Of Specialization / Interest
Hindustani Classical Music (Sitar) studied with Prof. R.D. Verma, Ex Dean & Head Faculty of Fine Arts, BanasthaliVidyapith, Rajasthan
Subjects Taught
Under graduate - Practical B.A. (H) IInd year, IIIrd year.
Post graduate - M.A. Previous, M.A. (Final), M.Phil and also guiding the research scholars for Ph.D.
Publications Profile
- BhartiyaSangeetaur Amir Khusrao, Amar Granth Publications, 2011, (Co-Author) Prof. R.D. Verma.
- BhartiyaSangeetkaAdhyatmikSwarup, Amar Granth Publications, 2004, (Co-Author) Dr. Neelam Pareek.
- Sur Sahitya me sangeetpravah, Amar Granth Publications, 2002.
- Sangeet – ekyogkriya – SangeetPatrika, Sep 2004.
- Sangeet aur adhyatamk asambandh – Sangeet Patrika – Feb 2005
- Amir Khursoaurgazal – Vageeshwari- Journal of the Faculty of Music & Fine Arts
- Mahakavisurdas (eksangeetkerupmein) – vageeshwari – Journal of the faculty of Music
- Amir Khusroaurtarana – vageeshwari, Journal of the Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, DU.
- 6. Amir KhusroaurGazal-vageeshwari, Journal of the Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, DU.
- 7. Indian Conception of music-‘Artland’ India International Rural cultural centre IRCEN Bhawan 7 Nelson Mandela Road vasantkunj New Delhi.
- Association of Ragas with times and seasons -‘Artland’ India International Rural cultural centre IRCEN Bhawan 7 Nelson Mandela Road vasantkunj New Delhi.
- 9. MahakaviSurdaskepadonmeinPrayuktvadya- vageeshwari, Journal of the Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, DU.
Conference Participation/Presentations
- Participated in 10 National seminars organized by Faculty of Music & fine arts, University of Delhi, Delhi-7.
- Participated as discussant in a two day UGC National Seminar on “Indian classical Music : tradition and experimentation” on March 17th& 18th 2005 at the department of Music, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007.
- Global Impact of Modern Trends on Hindustani Classical Music- International Seminar on music-Global impact of Modern trends on Hindustani Classical Music Organized by Dept. of Music University of Delhi.
- Lecture Demonstration-National Seminar on Music-JDB Girls College Kota (Raj.)
- Lecture Demonstration-Rajasthan SangeetSansthan an Institution of Govt. of Rajasthan Jaipur.
- Lecture Demonstration and performance (Sitar Vadan) Department of Music Punjabi University Patiala (PB).
- Stage performance given-National Seminar on Music Government girls College Gurgaon (HR).
- Lecture Demonstration and performance given-national seminar on music govt. girls college Karnal (HR).
- National Programme of Music AIR PrasarBharti, New Delhi - May 2015.
- Special recording for AIR PrasarBharti of Six Ragas duration of 4 mts. each March 2016.
- Sitar Vadan, Paras Kala Manch, K.L. Sehgal Hall, Jallandhar (Pb.) Sept. 2015.
- Sitar Vadan, Golden Jubilee Celebration ShriShriBalMukandDev Music College, Dept. of Art and Culture, Palace Compound, Imphal (Manipur) 6th May 2013.
- Sitar Vadan, Pravah Music Society, Centre for Music and Performing Arts an evening of Hindustani Classical Music Sept. 2012.
- Sitar Vadan “Naad Aura” musical odyssey of National Music Festival, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi) Dec. 2014.
- Interview and Performance (Sitar Vadan) live telecasted by Haryana News T.V., Channel, New Delhi, Oct. 2013.
- Lecture Demonstration and Performance, Sitar Vadan, Govt. Girls College, Gurgaon (Haryana). March 2012.
- Paper presented International Seminar on Music, Global Impact and Modem Trends on Hindustani Classical Music, Organized by Deptt. of Music, University of Delhi, Dethi-7. Feb. 2015.
- Sitar Vadan, ‘Chhandayan’, Delhi Presents Annual Music Festival, Dec. 2015, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
- Sitar Vadan, SanskarBharti and Sur Mandir, North Division, Classical Music Programme, New Delhi, Sept. 2015.
- Sitar Vadan, ‘Vasantotsava’ Programme organized by Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, University of Delhi, Delhi. Feb. 2016.
- Sitar Vadan, Guru shishyaParamparaEvamShastriyaSangeetSanstha, Solan (HP) 2015.
- Participated in 10 National seminars organized by Faculty of Music & fine arts, University of Delhi, Delhi-7.
- Participated as discussant in a two day UGC National Seminar on “Indian classical.
- Music : tradition and experimentation” on March 17th& 18th 2005 at the department of Music, University of Delhi, delhi-110 007.
- Global Impact of Modern Trends on Hindustani Classical Music- International Seminar on music-Global impact of Modern trends on Hindustani Classical Music Organized by Dept. of Music University of Delhi.
- Lecture Demonstration-National Seminar on Music-JDB Girls College Kota (Raj.)
- Lecture Demonstration-Rajasthan SangeetSansthan an Institution of Govt. of Rajasthan Jaipur.
- Lecture Demonstration and performance (Sitar Vadan) Department of Music Punjabi University Patiala (PB).
- Stage performance given-National Seminar on Music Government girls College Gurgaon (HR). Lecture Demonstration and performance given-national seminar on music govt. girls college Karnal (HR).
Awards And Distinctions
"A" grade Artist of A.I.R. & Doordarshan
National Programme of music on 6-5-2007 (sitar recital) broadcasted on A.I.R. (Prasar Bharati)
Member of the Music audition Board, All India Radio, Prasar Bharti, Delhi, Aug 2007
Pt. Nikhil Banerjee Smriti Puraskar, awarded by Sangeet Bhawan Academy, Lucknow.
'Sageet Bhushan' Samman-Gandhi Hindustani SahityaSabha.
'Naad-Shri' Samman-Naad-Aura Musical odyssey.
Member of the music audition board, A.I.R. PrasarBharti New Delhi.
Sitar recital-Akhil Bhartiya Radio Sangeet Sammelan Broadcasted by A.I.R.
Sitar recital- Akhil Bharatiya Ravivasriya Sangeet Sabha A.I.R.
Special recording for national channel PrasarBharti, AIR, Variety of Kanhada Ragas viz. Darbari, Adana, Shahana, Nayaki, Abhogi, Suha etc. - June 2012
Association With Professional Bodies
a) Member of courses committees, Dept. of Music, GuruNanak Dev University, Amtirsar, 2013, 2014, 2015.
b) Member of courses committee, Deptt. of Musuc, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, 2013, 2014, 2015.
c) Professional Societies Membership — Indian Musicological Society, Baroda, Member courses committees, M. Phil and various other committees of Delhi University, paper setter and examiner of various universities.
Other Activities
- Govt. National Scholarship from Human Resource & Development Ministry, Ministry of Culture, New Delhi.
- Govt. State Level Scholarship of Rajasthan Sangeet Natak Academy, Jodhpur (Raj).
- Active participation in educational oriented activities in the department time to time.
- Public Service/University Service/Consulting Activity
- Paper setter of the UGC SLET (lectureship eligibility test and junior research fellowship test) of Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati University Ajmer (Raj.) also evaluated the copies of the test.